We were engaged by Higgins to support with upgrades and safety improvements to Puhinui Road and Lambie Drive in South Auckland. This work involved upgrades to the existing roading from two-way to four-way lanes with dedicated bus lanes and shared pathways. These upgrades fed into the newly constructed Puhinui Transport Interchange which included a rapid bus connection and upgraded train service.
The work on Puhinui Road was part of a larger project with seven separable portions and included pavement reconstruction and streetscaping across three kilometres of shared user paths from SH16 to the Puhunui Interchange. Traffica’s work included construction of 3m deep drainage along 350m of the road length and included installation of a new stormwater 360 Unit for treatment and filtration, which is the first of its type in this area. We also upgraded traffic signals and installed new signalised intersections and constructed three new pedestrian crossings, nine raised speed tables, a large roundabout, a dedicated bus lane and cycle lane with installation of cycle separators. To ensure that power, water, and communication services to the nearby houses remained connected and uninterrupted, while new services were installed and backfilled, extensive location and investigation was required.
Work on Lambie Drive included construction of four new bus stops with cycleway inclusions, installation of a new 360 Stormwater unit via Hiab, with new stormwater lines installed and connected. We reconstructed kerb and channel with the new shared-user pavement, which consisted of cement treated basecourse and deep lift structural asphalt. The pavement works varied in reconstruction depth from 800mm to 2500mm over a two-kilometre stretch of roading.
Carefully staged work and Level 2 Closures (Semi-permanent half road closure –24-hour control flow)were successfully managed by our TM team to ensure that bus services and routes continued with minimal disruption.
This major project was completed in tandem with McConnell Dowell to ensure the timely opening of this important interchange and surrounding roading infrastructure. This successful project has monumentally improved transport access between the Manukau area and Auckland CBD.